how funny
peculiar it is
how quickly, clumsily
feelings can change from love to hate.
every time i drank a beer with you
you'd smirk and say, "i want to get you drunk and take advantage of you."
and i thought, well, you take advantage of me anyway
why not get some alcohol out of the deal?
what's so different about that?
you used to claim love but forge dislike
every time you refused to come see me
after work.
and every single time i cried
you told me you were falling out of love with me
as if my tears we some sort of hate machines
as if saying those things were going to make me stop crying
instead of making me cry more.
you cried and i held you rather than pushing you away
because i knew
i know
how much those tears were payment for everything you had always ignored.
i still feel honored to be the first one to see you cry
and i hold those feelings so close, like,
maybe i'll always be the only one to ever see you cry.
i watched you break down
and bounce back
as if nothing mattered.
i listened to you as you told me of
your wishes
to take care of your mother, your sisters
as if it were your duty.
but you never hesitated to charge your mother's credit card
with frivolity and consumerism
and constant car repairs
claiming you'd pay her back someday.
you lie
you cheat
you take advantage
of everyone around you.
and yet they still fall in love with you
become smitten
want to be your friend.
you're charismatic and generous and
you are likable.
but you are not real.
and every time i wonder whether
you are a good guy or a bad one
i can't decide.
i don't think i ever really knew you at all
and that hurts more than anything else.